Coffee Snobbery
Researching, to roast my own Costa Rican ‘Tarazu’ beans in my fabricated BBQ roasting drum, I learned that the French Roast was developed to simply make one’s beans ‘go farther’ by burning the coffee, to make it ‘stronger’, hence make more cups from a lb of beans. Thus a French roast is a poor man’s roast…
Where is the flavor & aroma ? In the oil.
o The tradition 1st crack [pop !] in roasting is the water coming to temperature
o The 2nd crack, is the oil coming to temperature; at which point, the oil starts coming to the surface of the bean... Keep roasting and you physically burning the oil.
-Roast 15 seconds past the cresendo of the 2nd crack, remove ASAP and cool down in a LARGE metal bowl, stirring under a LARGE fan, so as to cool rapidly
-Let sit for a day to vent off the CO2
-Grind & enjoy !
- If you like your coffee stonger, grind/add more [unburnt] coffee
- Use a paper filter with a drip machine ? Your filtering out the oil (taste)
- Us a french press to extract the most flavor, while retaining the unburnt oils.
…and avoid that burned crap Starbucks dishes out.
Check it out:
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